Start your Dreadlockā€™s Crochet Method

Start your Dreadlockā€™s Crochet Method

Awesome!! that you would like to make an appointment to have your Partial or full set of Dreads installed.

Start your Dreadlocks

Hand Hook Method.

No wax, No strings.

Human hair is crocheted in to your natural hair to create instant dreadlocks in any length:

HH is for any hair type, hair will be matched to color and texture

The Locs are permanent and can be treated like your natural hair. can be washed and styled same day of service,

To help the extensions mature and become more flexible, you can treat them like your own dreads by tying them back, wearing them in buns, and shampooing and swimming as normal

We will be ready for you

on the date and time you booked

To schedule the appointment, we ask you to make a deposit. The amount of the deposit will be deducted from the total amount of your appointment.

The deposit is also a down payment

Xoxo GypsyšŸŒ¹

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